Okx web3 wallet apk

Okx web3 wallet apk6.83.0 Official version
Date2024-09-02 17:15
Version6.83.0 Official version
Okx web3 wallet apk6.83.0 Official version
Okx web3 wallet apk6.83.0 Official version
Okx web3 wallet apk6.83.0 Official version
Okx web3 wallet apk6.83.0 Official version

OKX Web3 Wallet, as a multifunctional Web3.0 wallet, has received positive comments from the market. This wallet not only supports multi-chain interaction and asset management, but also has built-in functions such as DEX, trading market, earning coins, and Dapp exploration, allowing users to easily manage digital assets, participate in DeFi projects, and conduct NFT transactions.

Okx web3 wallet apk

Rich in functions:

Supports 60+ public chains, and users can manage multiple cryptocurrencies and assets through one interface.

Built-in DApp browser, convenient for users to access various decentralized applications, such as exchanges, games, NFT markets, etc.

Supports advanced functions such as Ordinals market, creating MPC wallets, exchanging Gas, using iCloud/Google Drive to backup mnemonics, etc.


The design focuses on user experience, simplifies the interaction with complex blockchain technology, and makes it easy for new users to get started.

Provides a one-stop service for the entire process, greatly reducing the threshold for users to use.

Security guarantee:

Provides advanced security features such as multi-signature, secondary verification, etc. to ensure the security of user funds.

Allows users to have full control over their private keys, increasing the security and privacy of funds.

Supports multiple currencies:

Supports 111 currencies, including a product matrix such as liquidity mining, staking, flash exchange, etc.

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